21 June 2007

Motherhood is exhausting...

...but how exhausting is it, really? Lucy is lying here in her Boppy making squirmy noises and grunting. I have no idea if she's hungry, gassy, or just crabby. And it's only 7am. I've already been spit up on three times, and I'm looking ahead to a long day of trying to think of ways to entertain a 6 week old. This is one of the most difficult and tiring tasks out there, I swear.
It's easy to feel sorry for myself when I'm exhausted and Mr. Tylenol PM has just skipped out the door to work. But how sorry can I really feel? Lucy is laying here just snoring away, zapping my energy with just her presence, but she's here, with no wires or tubes connected to her, and she's healthy! It's hard to keep that perspective at 3am, but I suppose I should try harder. When I start to get crabby because she's fussy over a gassy little tummy, I should really be thanking God that it's just gas, and crying is always temporary around here. She's starting to smile now, and it's so amazing to watch her eyes light up when she sees me. I'm just so thankful that she has had the chance to grow enough to start smiling and laughing, and that the worst we've had to deal with around here is a diaper rash.
This is Alison's site: http://www.myspace.com/helpalison- she's a very sick little girl! Please keep her in your prayers and do what you can to support her family. Seeing Alison's video, which I've posted below, made me cry and scoop up my own little girl. I took an extra opportunity to cuddle her, just because she's here and healthy. Life is so short and these things are so unexpected. I think that after seeing this, everyone will take an extra moment today to appreciate the health and vitality of their own families.
I suppose being spit up on three times before 7am isn't so bad at all.

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