21 February 2008

A muttering, blubbering version of my former self.

Lucy is going to drive me over the edge. Mommy is about ready to snap.

You know those moms who always have that crazed "I have no idea what's going on" look? That's me. Lucy got up at 5:30. I gave her a bottle and stumbled back to bed. She got up at 6:30 and wanted breakfast at 7:15. I gave her a blueberry waffle. Not good enough. It wasn't a muffin. All this child wants is muffins, and she knows I have blueberry muffins in the fridge. But they're incredibly messy and I refuse to start my day with those crumbly, nasty things.
So she's inspecting each piece of waffle, just to make sure it's not a piece of muffin, and then winging it across the kitchen. As she does this, she screams to remind me that I've done her a terrible injustice serving her anything but muffins.
I finally got her out of her highchair and cleaned up the waffle pieces, and now she's standing next to me whining like a cocker spaniel who needs to potty. I think it's the cabin fever getting to her. I'm going to take her on a bus ride today so that she can enjoy looking out the big windows. Maybe we'll see if Aunt Suz can go. This means I will need $2 for bus fare. Ugh. I have no idea where I'm going to find $2. I'm going to have to go to the bank to withdraw $2. Maybe I'll withdraw a whole $20 and go on a shopping spree. Wild woman, right here!
Well, I have to go. Lucy is starting to chew through the linoleum.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Just wait till you have two little ones...than you'll know crazy. It is a good kinda crazy and life is a blur. You'll look back and have happy memories.

Poor Lucy....do you add veggies to her muffins? You could sneak in grated carrots and pumpkin...yummy!

Hope you have a wonderful day! Maddie just threw up so I guess I know what I am doing today. I think the pneumonia weakened her defenses. Poor kid.

Give Lucy a big hug and Kiss. We miss you all.

Tammy (Grandma)

Jennifer Merkel said...

I'm glad you have a blog as an outlet!
You know you can pack a lot of stuff into a muffin.
I say let 'er eat muffins.

Suzzy said...

Sorry for being a total turd and not keeping up with my blog reading.

This was hilarious though. I'm laughing at your misery, just your expression of it.

Love you bunches!