07 March 2008

Motherhood. A dish best served...in the shower.

Ah...motherhood. Today is going to be a VERY busy day, so I decided to attempt letting Lucy play in the bathroom while I showered. She LOVES the bathroom and I knew she'd be thrilled to play with my cosmetics while I was in the shower. She was very busy and I kept peeking out at her playing diligently on the bathroom rug.

About 3 minutes later, I felt something on my foot, patting me ever so gently. I opened my eyes and looked down to find Lucy, sitting in the shower splashing away in her sleeper. She had her face about a half an inch from the shower drain, watching the soap swirl around. So, I just let her sit there until I was done. Yuck.

And just for future reference, trying to get a baby out of a wet sleeper is like trying to push a piglet through a keyhole.


Tricia said...

oooh, but how CUTE is she in her wet sleeper!! LOL

Marcia said...

That is too funny!!! Lucy is the coolest baby I "know"!!!

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute story and the pictures are.....simply Lucy!! She is certainly a source of constant entertainment for you. We just love the soaked sleeper. How funny is she!!
In the second picture she looks exactly like her Daddy, too.
Love you guys,
Grandma and Grandpa H.

Stella Barrutia said...

Okay there was a very audible chuckle after reading that and looking at those pictures. Lucy is HILARIOUS!! and her momma captures those moments through writing so well!

Jen E. said...

oh my gosh that is the cutest!!! your daughter is beautiful!