When we moved from Essex in 2004, something happened to my back. I have no idea what, but something snapped that day and I thought it was just a pull. After a couple of days of rest, I was as good as new. Then I found out I was pregnant. As my pregnancy progressed, it seemed that every time I cleaned the house for more than about 2 hours, my back would go out again.
I'm going to have to talk to the doctor on Friday about what he wants me to do. It's worse with this pregnancy and I'm not really going a day without severe pain. Anyone who knows me knows that I just power through it and deal with the pain later. I'm a very physical person and my back really just CAN'T be sore. I have a 20 pound toddler to lift all day long and a big house to keep clean. I also have no one in the area to help me and I can't put all of this on Andrew!
Lucy and I picked up the upstairs today- nothing serious. I folded some clothes, hung up some stuff and put the Bundle Me on the infant seat. By the time I was done my back was pounding. The other day I tried to get out of the car and my legs couldn't catch me because of the pain.
I'm not an aches and pains person. I've got a really high threshold for pain and most of the time I just ignore it. I mean, it took me blacking out to call Andrew at work about it.
However, I can't keep doing more damage to my back. I'm going to talk to Dr. H, but I don't really know what he can do for me. I just hate this, because I'm not a helpless person. On the other hand, I'm getting tired of being in pain after I do the laundry or make the bed. :-(
20 October 2008
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Hey Sweetie! I totally get that... I hate being in pain and feeling like there's nothing I can do about it, and also don't want to burden Michael when he's working so hard. The last bit of my preg with Lydia was so hard, and luckily i have family close by and a lot of helpful friends, but pulling a tendon was NOT cool and "bedrest"? not possible with a toddler!! I will try to help this weekend and give you some rest time- you need it. I"m so sorry! I'd love to come help any time, just let me know :)
Laura, I hate to hear you are suffering with back pain. Maybe try seeing a chiropractor. I was able to get relief of my chronic neck and back pain throughout my pregnancy with Luke by seeing a chiropractor. I'll be glad to answer any questions you have. Feel better soon. ((HUGS))
Back pain and pregnancy are no fun to deal with together. I ended up going to a chiropractor when I was PG with boy #2. I went to a "gentle chiro" where they use a thingie and press it into you rather than cracking and adjusting--which scares me. It did help a lot. I hope you find some relief.
We are sure sorry to hear about the problems with your back. I wish we could help out!! Hope you really will see the doctor about it. As you go further into your pregnancy he may want you to really take it easy. The "big stuff" of housework can wait!
Make yourself just do light duty for these next months.
Love you,
Grandma Susie
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