When I was sorting through pictures on my laptop I came across this one of Sarah and I from when we were about 20 months or so. I love this picture! Sarah and I, along with Katie and Nina, spent a LOT of time together growing up. I suppose "a lot of time" would be a bit of an understatement.

One of my favorite memories of growing up with Sarah was in...3rd grade? On school picture day I came to school in a black dress with polka dots and thought it was very original. When I met up with Sarah that morning, coincidentally wearing the same dress, she informed me that she didn't like it. (Not that there were many dresses she liked.) I spent the rest of the day upset that my mom had put me in such a terrible dress, because if Sarah didn't approve, it must be horrible.
I love that picture! I think my mom has a copy of it somewhere. I also have a picture of Nina and I on the sit-and-spin when we were both almost 1 year old. Ah, memories...
I just told Aaron this very night about that rocking horse and how cool it was and that it was my first memory of you, only to find that you had posted it today! I got you those beads and I'm going to send them out tomorrow. And, that dress was the 2nd grade because I wore a neon green shirt with a jean skirt in 3rd grade and Dad was pissed! The funny thing is, is I think I felt better that you were wearing that dress too...you know I hated dresses.
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