Yay! As of 2pm today, I'm a "loose 1 cm" dilated, 60% effaced, very soft and baby is at -3 station. All of which is major progress for a reformed non-progressor.
1 cm dilated means that my cervix is opening up right on time. She said it was a very loose one, but she can't give me a 2. I'm happy with that. I never dilated with Lucy, so 1cm is a big deal.
60% effaced is the amount that my cervix is thinning, so any number moving forward is a very good thing. I was 50% about 10 days ago. The softness is important because it goes hand in hand with effacement.
-3 station is how low the baby is. They start looking at the baby's position at -5 station, and as she gets lower it goes from -5 to 0 to +5 as the baby's coming out. -3 means she's lower to zero which is is fully engaged. My midwife said that her head is engaging and she didn't try to move up when she pushed on her head, so that's a great sign. Now I just need to stay upright so that her head can continue to do the right kind of work and get some more dilation going.
I've been having good working contractions every night and my progress is a very good sign that they ARE real contractions, which is something I never had with Lucy. So, things are lining up well for a successful VBAC. My midwife told me I should come in and have the baby on Sunday, since she'll be on call...riiiight. She said that things look great and I could go any time, so now we just wait! My next appointment will be on the 24th, two days after my due date. With any luck, I'll never make it!
As for a name, stay tuned for another round of polling. Either way, you're not going to hear a thing from us until there's a picture to go with the name, so don't count on a big announcement just yet!
Well, Andrew is here this weekend and we're planning to stay busy and keep walking! We'll keep updating!