17 February 2009

Naptime Post

After Lucy's frightening "Mama, I cannnn't west" attempt at a nap yesterday, I was very scared for today. However, she went down early and she went down HARD. I think we'll go out for a slice of pizza when she wakes up. She'd love that.
Today I'm feeling absurdly honest and frank, so I feel it's probably best if I limit my post to a brief rundown of my general health and well-being. I'll just bullet my thoughts.
  • I love Suz. She's an incredibly cheering person who always has a fresh and funny perspective.
  • I am feeling fine, no better, no worse. I assume we'll see some action closer to the weekend, but am posting updates nightly for my own reference and memories later on. I could go another 3 weeks, so let's not get all crazy, ok?
  • I do not have the power to birth my child on any certain day. Telling me to "have the baby on X" is not going to motivate me to try harder to have the baby.
  • We may or may not call anyone when I go into labor. Try not to take it personally. As it happens, labor and delivery are hard work and I doubt I'll be thinking about anything but the baby, much less calling people to tell them about it. I honestly have no idea if we called anyone when I was in labor last time. Andrew might have some recollection, but if I recall correctly I didn't talk on the phone for about 4 days. I was actually in labor and working pretty hard for 3 of those days, if memory serves. You'll know as soon as we're in the position to make phone calls! I will try to update the blog but if you know our phone number, please try not to call. Mom and Nina will be happy to field any questions and will update the blog and send out an announcement as soon as we have one.
  • Maple is in heat. Our little girl has become a woman! I told Andrew that since he's a single parent right now, it's his duty to throw a puppy period party and celebrate her transition into maturity. He didn't sound too keen on the idea, but he's probably just worried about future resentment. I'm calling today to make a spay appointment. Do they give the doggies a pregnancy test before they spay them?? I'm incredibly pro-life and would hate to...sigh.
  • Andrew's office threw him a little surprise baby shower yesterday. So cute!
  • I miss Andrew.

1 comment:

Suzzy said...

HAHAHAHA i love that you're even prolife when it comes to dogs. that has now become reason #865843120505 why i love you.