24 February 2009

40 + 2

I'm totally fried and am going to bed. My appointment was fine. I'm dilated 2-3 centimeters, 60-70% effaced, and baby is still at a -3. I'll post more tomorrow.
If you called me today, I am SO SORRY, but I'm just so exhausted that I can't possibly say another word to anyone. I'm so exhausted that I'm becoming super emotional, and that combined
with my highly emotional breakdown at my midwife's office today is enough to prevent me from trying to carry a normal conversation. I'm just not in any position to chat...keep checking the blog. I'll post more about today's appointment once my double vision goes away.


SpunkyToes said...

Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Soon, soon, soon!!
We love you and we are praying for you.
Grandma Susie and Grandpa Dick