05 March 2009

The Rules of Engorgement

Ah...breastfeeding. Shall we talk about boobies for a minute? 

Molly is a nursing expert at the ripe old age of 5 days. An hour after she was born, she actually crawled up my belly looking to eat and hasn't looked back since. I haven't had to correct her or guide her once. She just knows exactly what to do. That's very nice. Lucy was never like that. I had to pry her mouth open for the first month of life and shove it whatever she'd take before she howled indignantly. She never rooted around or showed hungry signs, and she never nursed for more than 5 minutes on a side. She just wasn't a fan of breastfeeding and it made the pain and stress so much worse on the bad days. 
I'm in about the same amount of pain that I was in with Lucy, but it's easier this time because I'm not wrestling the baby at the same time. I'm still crying every few hours because there's really no other way to react, but that should be going away within the next couple weeks, I think. It certainly helps to know what I'm doing this time around. I'm not worrying about whether she's getting enough, whether I'm making enough or whether she's positioned correctly. It's so nice to just feed her. She's falling asleep after she eats, so she must be getting enough, right? 
Lucy continues to do so well with her baby sister. Tonight at dinner she pointed and giggled while she ate and as soon as she was done she spent the rest of the meal dropping toys in Molly's lap and torturing her while we ate. Nice. They napped together today, which was so nice. The three of us fell asleep at 1:30 and started stretching just before dinner at 4:30. It was so nice to get a 3-hour nap and have two happy girls for dinner! 
Well, I'm off to find them and start cracking down on bedtime. Tonight is an awesome TV night and I'm going to park myself in front of the TV and laugh my post-partum butt off. 


Lisa Marie said...

Way to go Molly- way to go Laura! I felt the exact same way the second time around... and yes, the hurt will go away before you know it- hang in there :) Lydia and I are so very close due to our nursing. This picture is beautiful too! We love you all and miss you already. Hugs to our beautiful goddaughter and to little Molly!

Traci said...

How wonderful that she is a good nurser! It must be such a relief for you. Way to go on getting them to nap at the same time!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely, LOVELY!! It sounds like everything is going just fine with Molly. How wonderful it is to know she is doing so well, and so is her Mama Laura. Big sister Lucy will soon be calling her "MY baby" to everyone who meets Molly. Love the pictures of the two of them together. How fun it will be to watch Molly change each week. We know there is some red hair on her head somewhere, just waiting to appear. It's dark right now.
Love you guys so much,
Grandma and Grandpa H.

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