11 June 2009


We got an offer last night, so that was thrilling. It was, however, a bit lower than we wanted to go and our realtor encouraged us to counter, so we'll be waiting around today to see how they respond. We'll keep you updated!

In the meantime, I'll let you in on Lucy's favorite song lately! She has this book and she and I read it over and over and over. She loves to dance while I sing it to her. I remember my grandpa Weaver singing it to me when I was very tiny, so I love that Lucy loves it, too.


Lisa Marie said...

can't believe they made an offer! so cool!!! keep us posted! :) hope you can bring them up to an offer that's good for you. Love, Lisa and fam

Jessica said...

Lucky lady! Our house has been on the market for a month now and we have no offers. We had a few second run-throughs, but no offers. :(

I have my fingers crossed for you!

Sarah Jane said...

Oh Weaver....:)
That's so cool that Lucy like that song too!
Congrats on the home sale and good luck moving!