Lucy: Ke-Ke's (Cookies)
A: Absolutely not. All the cookies in the world were eaten by the Cookie Monster just last night. What else would you like?
L: [Sad/Angry face yells] Bad Ke Ke MonTo!!! (Bad Cookie Monster). [Happily/Excited] I want cheese peeeeeaaaasss (please)
A: Okay, let me get you a cheese stick
(as I turn to the fridge to get a cheese stick)
L: (whispers while fidgeting nervously with her fingers and staring at the floor) Yeah Baby I'm going to BITE that cheese!!! [followed by evil giggles which continued until she innocently looked up at me!]
Where'd THAT come from!?!?! Where/when did she learn to say "Yeah baby" anything!? Does she get some kind of evil pleasure from biting cheese sticks!?!?
L: Tank you (Thank you)
A: You're welcome
L: Wuccum (welcome)
A: No, you're welcome.
L: Yes. Tank you. HOT DOG! (And runs to watch Mickey Mouse in living room with her victim.... the cheese stick).
Yeah, she's very polite but sometimes the pleases/thank yous/welcomes are either in excess or used inappropriately! :-)
Ahhh... 2 year olds are so special!

LOL I LOVE Lucy's talking... it's possibly the cutest toddler talk I've EVER heard. I mean, any tiny voice is just adorable.. but oh my gosh,... I just don't know how you do it... she's too cute to handle!! :) Please give her a hug and kiss from me! Love, Aunt Lisa
p.s. LOVE the cookie monster thing- HA HA HA- hilarious. go dad :)
hahahahahahaha YEAH BABYYYY
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