30 July 2009

So. Pooped.

We just ran errands like it's our job. Well, I suppose it IS my job. Hm. We hit the farmer's market, Hallmark, Rose's, Gabe's, the library and the post office. 15 shirts and 50 books later, Lucy is sucking tomato slime out of cherry tomatoes and Molly is rolling around on the floor, willing the baby spoon in her hand to conjure up some bananas. She's so cute. Lucy keeps reminding me that if she eats her lunch, she gets chocolate.
Lucy's newest thing is "checking Molly." It's adorable. Every time she busies herself away from Molly for more than a few minutes, she jumps up and says, "Oopsie daisy, gotta check on Molly!" Molly thinks it's just great! And let's face it. With the way Molly is rolling and scooting all over, I need all the help I can get. Truth be told, Lucy probably supervises Molly better than I do anyway.
Well, my 15-cent bowl of Ramen awaits. And no, it's not a budget issue, I promise. I just adore heaping bowls of sodium at naptime! (And honestly, how COOL is it that I can eat lunch for 15 cents?


Anonymous said...

Isn't it cute when older siblings "care" for their younger ones?...enjoy it now, won't last forever. Honestly though, Meg and Maddie are so close in age they care and love each other a lot! Just wait until Molly is playing with toys etc. you then need to start breaking up fights. Just another lovely part of parenthood.

Janet said...

I know what you mean about ramen. I get cravings for it, so I keep a box in the pantry. Best part? It's ready in just a few minutes.