29 July 2009

This Kid's a Crack-up.

Lucy has a few new sayings these days. She's a nonstop talker and says the funniest things. My favorite phrase right now is "Look Molly!" as if Molly actually cares or has any idea what Lucy's doing. Molly always gazes at her with that crooked smile and Lucy feels so important!
What else is she saying lately?

  • "I'm the Queen of Blues!"
  • "Oh Snap!"
  • "I'm a rock star!"
  • "I'm going to Pa Pa's now. Ok. Have fun!"
  • "You talking to Mimi?" She says this ever-so-casually every time I hang up the phone.
  • "It make-a her happy!" I'm going to try to get this on video soon. It just tickles me every time she says "happy!"
  • "I'm really hungry..."
  • "I need chocolate cake!" This is usually upon waking. A girl after my own heart...
Well, today we're going to head to the mall for a good, long walk. I have our daily $20 with us and I'm hoping to find a special cookie cutter and some food writers for Andrew's birthday cookies.

Oh, and let me say this and make myself very clear. If you haven't RSVP'd for Andrew's party yet, DO IT. If you weren't invited, it's either because you live too far away or you failed to RSVP last time. Don't make me start using names, people.

I've firmed up the menu for the party and met most of Andrew's ridiculous demands for his desserts. I talked him out of a carrot/rainbow chip layered disaster and into carrot cupcakes and rainbow chip cake balls. It's a start. Silly boy. Not that I have any choice in the matter. It's his graduation AND birthday party - the guy gets whatever he wants!


Katie E. said...

If you were baking for my birthday, I'd be expecting a 5-tiered masterpiece iced with fondant and topped with a marzipan likeness of myself. Also, there would have to be fireworks shooting out of the sides instead of those plain candles, but that goes without saying...

Lisa Marie said...

When I heard her saying "I'm weeeallly hungry" I almost melted into a puddle. Her little talking is far beyond cute!!! :) Gotta tape some of the others, oh my gosh I can't wait to see her again! I'm pretty sure we RSVPd to the party evite and you know we are coming and staying Sat to Sunday right?? What can we bring/do!? What's Andrew want for his birthday/graduation!? :) I want to do something special but don't know what to do!