This was the "2008" post. in case you missed it!
Without further ado, here's to remembering the good times of 2009 and welcoming in 2010!
January 2009 - We stayed warm & helped Lucy count down the weeks until big-sisterhood.
Lucy in the snow @ Grandma & Grandpa C's (Laura adds, "Oh my gracious, she's cute!")
February - Our 8 pound, 3 oz Molly Rose is born! Our lives, hearts, home and list of repairs haven't been the same since.
Laura pregnant with Molly at 39 weeks
Molly arrives via planned C-section at 8:24pm, February 28th. (And if you know Molly or any of her extended family, last minute is still perfectly acceptable.) Laura is later informed that the doctor actually had to climb on the table to get Molly out. Knowing her attachment to Mommy, this also makes a good amount of sense.
Even though all newborns look a little like Winston Churchill, she was just about the sweetest little old man we'd ever seen. (And the strongest!)
Molly napping on Daddy in the hospital, 1 day old. March - Molly is baptized & Lucy learns how to play nice.
Molly's baptism at Cook Chapel, March 22nd.
All-time best Lucy and Molly picture.
"Look, Daddy! She's got your nose! And chin...and cheeks...and..." April - Lots of family and friend gatherings throughout the month!
Grandpa C's birthday party at Piney Run.
Painting Easter eggs with Katie Zumbrun.
2A3 and 2A3A. May - Picnics, Playgrounds & Ice Cream at Ego Alley, Annapolis!
Meeting MiMi (Grandma Jen Merkel) @ Double T in White Marsh for some food!
Picnic at Rocky Gap!
Playing with Lilly at Tydings Park in Havre De Grace MD!
Relaxing in the car! "Please don't strap me in to that seat! I'll behave!"
Sunshine & Smiles! Ice cream and pretty ladies! Like peas & carrots but a lot sweeter! June - Picking strawberries, snuggling with Calvin, Molly now SMILES & LAUGHS! Dancing in the rain with Dad!
Molly meets and immediately adores Mr. Calvin J. Buster.
Everyone falls in love with Molly's deep giggle!
Lucy: "I have Molly's PACI!" (A phrase that would be continued through 12/2009)
Molly's expression: "Are you going to fix this situation or just take pictures Mom?!"
Smile for the camera after dancing in the rain at the William's family lake house (Deep Creek Lake)
The one you pick yourself is always the sweetest! July - Move to the Ellerslie Farm! Lucy's first haircut!
Our neighbors who would visit at least twice a day!
Laura perfects her talent for kabobs on the grill this summer! (Yay!!!)
"Do I look pweeettttyyyy now? Do I look pwweeettttyyy???" August - Exploring the farm, more family time! Andrew interviews & begins shopping for a new home in Fort Worth TX!
Lucy: 20 lbs.
Molly: 10 lbs.
Backpack: 2 - 5 lbs.
Getting a hike at the farm with three (one photographer!) beautiful ladies: priceless
"I love my mom THIIIIISSS much!"
"There's water in TX?" Lakeside apartments AND fishing/boating? Andrew hunts out the housing prospects!
"Tag you're it!"
Grandma Cooke getting some love in on her newest great granddaughter! September - goodbye party with ABL! Wedding shower for Christine! One last time to Frostburg for keepsake (and a couple great photos!!)
The tongue! As of 12/09 it's just now starting to retract again!
Playing with those lovely Stark kids at the going away party, Will & Quinn!
Katie Z & Laura at the party!
Lisa, Molly & Christine at the wedding shower!
Lucy and Molly playing in the Frostburg sun on the sidewalk where Andrew & Laura fell in love! October - May be located in Dallas/Fort Worth but she's no "Cowboys" fan! Ravens having a respectable season! Molly hoping that dressing her as a pumpkin and sitting her on cold grass is not a weekly activity! Our little monkey!
Look at those cute pumpkins! Daddy has outdone himself this year!
The cutest monkey on the block! November
Hanging out at the scenic overlook of Eagle Mountain Lake Park!
"You're missing a bulb. Spares are in the garage, I'll go get one."
Chill-axin' with the girls in front of some Baby Einstein! Yay!
Christmas in Downtown Fort Worth! December
Christmas Parade in Downtown Fort Worth! (Got stuck in the parking garage for 2 hrs afterwards!!)
Mommy + IHOP Pancakes + Unlimited Chocolate milk = BLISS!
If you have to ask... it's AUBURN, not RED! ;-)
Our Lucy, growing up FAST!
Nothing is more fun than wearing bowls as hats! Laura teaches Lucy early theatrical behavior!MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR! WELCOME 2010!!!*** Christmas 2009 pictures and the trip to Port Angeles to come under a separate post!!**