09 November 2009

A few of my favorite things.

I love my apron. It feels like a uniform and actually keeps me going when I'm wearing it. It's hard to sit down when you're dressed for work. I also wear Grandma Maggie's apron when I bake. It makes me feel authentic. What I love most about my aprons is Lucy's reaction to them. She always asks, "You makin' food, Mommy?" She loves to watch me work and she's a natural in the kitchen.

This one of Lucy yesterday was so cute I couldn't resist. She had a donut after church and it wasn't kind to her.

I love this one of Mo. It's so her. Just doin' what needs doin' and working quietly. Molly is such a steady little thing. Steadiy tearing the house apart, but steady nonetheless.

This is her usual morning happy face. Can't get enough of her naughty little smile!

- Laura

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