Lucy loves it when we draw families on her MagnaDoodle. I actually have many, many more pictures of magna doodle families. Just a thing we do around here.
Molly's in bed. She was up late last night, so she has a little catching up to do. Lucy napped from 4-6:30. Our stupid fault for selfishly wanting a quiet afternoon without the gallons of whine a tired toddler provides. So she's still up, being silly and playing with her new Hi-Ho Cherry-O game. $3 on clearance at Kohl's, endless fun for a little one who can only count to ten.
Andrew is playing around on (I have no idea how make a live link blogging from my phone- copy and paste, you lazy thing, you!) and I'm just trying to will myself to stay awake until 9pm. Yeah, our Saturday nights are truly unparalleled...
Today I made brownies from scratch. They were super simple and are truly amazing. These are the kind of brownies you make, cut, wrap and freeze individually for those "I am SO not cut out for this" moments. You know the ones. 4:45 pm on a Wednesday. Daddy's running late. You tried to do the dishes and now have a giant wet spot on your belly. And yeah, you still have a belly because you make PEOPLE, for cryin' in the night. People who are currently hanging from your left AND right legs, smacking each other silly and howling. And you promised yourself your children would never, ever smack each other. The wisest thing to do in this situation is grab a brownie from the freezer and pop it in the microwave long enough to turn on Baby Einstein. Then run to the bathroom with your brownie and sink to the floor slowly. (of course the floors are clean. Who do you think I am, anyway?) Catch up on a couple of inspiring paragraphs from The End Of Overeating, all the while breathing deeply and thinking to yourself, "I sure do have it together!"
I can't be the only one. You silent jugdiness is just deafening...
Well y'all, Mama's tired and I still have like, 743 closet monsters to catch tonight. "Supermom" doesn't even begin to describe it. I may be back to blog some pictures, but holding your breath might be a collossal waste of time. (I may also have spelled "collossal" wrong.)

I lock myself in my room and read my Vampire books when Seth gets home sometimes. He comes in the door, I say "Hi Honey," and *click* goes the lock. He gets it. Kind of. Even though I can hear the deafening screams of daddy-play coming from down the hall, that twelve square feet (yes, my master bedroom is tiny!) is my sanctuary!
I totally get you.
BTW, I eat my bites of brownie (or a Sauselito cookie) when I send Nate off to his room to look for a toy that I know is in the car...
that's just excellent. i TOTALLY get you. anyone who says they don't is just FULL of it!! Today I resorted to hershey kisses because, that's all I have... but it's starting to not cut it! :)
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