Kelsey made an interesting point in her comment that my thoughts on why I'm not going to blog more may have sounded judgemental. I don't mean to sound like I'm judging anyone. I'm sure there are so many people out there who are willing to give up their late nights and lunches (I wish I were less sleepy!) to get a piece of their hobby- my hobby is the gym lately, and it's a healthy break for the girls to play for an hour while I work out.
But the computer...I just get too caught up. I actually had to leave a wonderful group of women in an online message board because I was just spending way too much time keeping up with the board. It was a decision that I regret some days, but it cut my computer time down so much and I ended up using my time better. I would love to spend more time blogging. But I'm so afraid that I'd let it take front seat to the time I could be spending with the girls. I have no idea how working moms do it. It seems like they just balance things so well, and I can't even find the time to make the bed! (Do you make the bed every day?? If so, don't you dare share it with Andrew. He loves it when I make the bed once a week.)
The Pioneer Woman is one of my favorite blogs in the whole world. Ree Drummond is like this whirling, hilarious, crazy Superwoman. She manages to blog all day, write cookbooks and helps keep a RANCH in order. I have two kids and Lucy has had a filthy face all day. How am I not a bestselling author yet?? I expect it'll happen once I start making the bed and wiping Lucy's face.
So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that some women really CAN do it all, and I'm just not one of those women! It seemed like a good idea in December, and now it feels like it would be an overwhelming mess.The best way for me to keep things in order is to keep my "other stuff" to a minimum. I go to the movies alone every so often. That's my "me time." So far...I'm not totally crazy. But another couple months of this teething nonsense and I'm going to be a hermit in the caribbean talking about the life I once had.
Thanks for the thoughts, Kelsey! My point of view is always so much more balanced INSIDE my head... :-)
19 January 2010
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