01 February 2010

Conversation 2

Icing cookies and washing dishes, we had this conversation.

Me: What are you thinking as far as Baby #3?

Him: "Like, would I like to have one?"

Me: "Like...when."

Him: "Baby #1 is potty training. Baby #2 is starting to walk. Let's finish one of those things before we do another one."

Me: "Oh, yeah. Okay."

Me and Him return to icing cookies and washing dishes.


Katie E. said...

You'll be KU'd by the end of the month. :D

Lisa Marie said...

Good plan. I'd say finish the potty training first... I can say from experience that having a potty training kid and a newborn was miserable. I'm SO happy the next two will just be in diapers together- WAY easier! Change 1- Change 2. done.

Emily said...

I looooove you guys! :]