01 June 2010

I totally whooped up on today. I really did. The new entertainment center is DONE. It's now under the TV, looking SEXY. Wait'll you see pictures. You're gonna be like, "Whooooooooooooooo baby!"

My birthday weekend is over. Andrew truly outdid himself on this one. He gave me a gorgeous shirt, and a receipt book for See Jane Bake! Fab!





So all in all...he was generous! What a sweet guy! He took me out on a loverly date and then we took the hooligans to an outdoor concert on Sunday night. It was my most perfect, best, wonderfullest birthday EVER.

However, he did not give me a pregnancy. This would have been the icing on the cake. So to all you speculators out there, no. I didn't get pregnant the week I got a bigger car. Booyah!

Oh, wait'll you see the entertainment center. You'll just die a thousand deaths!

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