The gals and I went to the movies to see Ice Age 2, which cracks me up like CRAZY. I was laughing like a nerd and enjoying myself, but somebody was all, "I'm only 16 months old and I can't sit still and I'm tired of M&M's!" Whaaaaaatever.
So we went to the library and got some books. Er, rented some books. I'm due-date challenged. This hot weather sort of leaves you just hanging out in the house, due dates be damned. There's no way I'm going to make an extra trip anywhere.
We grabbed 10 or so books and a clown nose for Daddy, and piled back into the car. I ran into my friend Veronica, which was monumental because it was the FIRST time I've "run-into" someone somewhere other than Church. I was so excited; she must have thought I was insane, falling out of my window to say hello. I was so stoked. Nothing makes a place feel more like home than seeing familiar faces. And Veronica is always a nice person to see! Hooray!
This afternoon I'm going to be cleaning my little house and lamenting the fact that I'm still waiting for my spice rack
No matter...I'm still excited. Tonight we'll be going to the gym and eating dinner. really, we live on the edge.
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