10 April 2011

Hello, old friend.

Another night on the couch. As Andrew went to bed last night, he asked me where I wanted to sleep. In my total haze, I said, "I'll sleep here for a little bit..." and now I've spent the entire night on this awful beast of a couch. Ugh. I don't think I slept more than a few hours..luckily, we're not doing a blessed thing today, so we can all catch up on the snoozing.. We went to mass last night and I'm thinking that was a fantastic idea. The girls were great, our Saturday was active, and now we have all of Sunday to use as it was truly intended..bliss.

1 comment:

Tru-Flow said...

before giving something up for Lent like umm FB// my major communication link to you.. In the future it would be nice to have a personalized notice such as a text or email.. so i don't think you are dead.. Remember I am going to be the crazy Auntie taking care of your/my girls in a few weeks while you are in the horse-pital.. love you all..
crazy Auntie..