19 April 2011

You know there's a problem when...

Do you know how I know it's time to take even greater notice of the over-sexualization of children? Because CNN is running an article about it. And you know when CNN actually starts caring about an issue in the realm of parenting, there's not just a problem.

Wake up, folks. Our sweet babies are going to be fighting a war we could prevent now. A war for their self-esteems and eventually, their souls. If we don't do something now, we're going to see our children suffer like we can't even imagine. When a child who's exploited grows into an adult who can't recognize the person inside them, hearts and minds are damaged in numbers so great we may never know the actual statistics. Parenting doesn't begin with whether to breastfeed or bottle feed. It begins with a grave concern for your child's soul. And if it takes CNN to start a conversation, we're already in deep, deep trouble.

1 comment:

Emily said...

You're so right - if CNN cares it may already be too late! In other news, do email me about how you got your blog looking so cute!