02 May 2011

11 hours to a family of five.

Well, it's 11pm here and I'm still wide awake, as I'm dreading my spinal and not wanting to do all the "fun" stuff associated with the C-section. Surgery sucks even when you get a baby out of the deal. I'm incredibly nervous about the spinal this time around, considering my anxiety attack with the last one...It was not pretty, that much I can say. I'm really hoping that this one is swift and effective and that they can get my husband into the OR very quickly this time. After my section with Mo, I'm just not looking forward to the big needle. :-(

I am so, so, so excited about meeting the next addition to our family. I'm just over the moon excited and as I type this, the baby is fairly flipping in circles. I can't believe we still don't know the sex of the baby - so difficult, but it's been fun. I think.

I can't wait to introduce Molly to the new little one. Lucy will, of course, take it all in stride and just mother away, but Molly is seriously going to flip a lid when she realizes she's getting a baby to take home.

I wish I had more to say, but my head is all swirly and I just need to zone out. Too much to think about and sort in my head to write anything worth reading. Check back here tomorrow afternoon for a picture of 2A3A3!

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