26 May 2011

dear kelle freaking hampton. we love you. lets count the ways.

I so rarely feel inferior. Generally, my self-esteem is healthy. Usually too healthy.

 Enter Kelle Hampton. Seriously?? What is WITH that girl?

She's all, "Oh, I live in Florida, my children eat sand and look gorgeous doing so, I throw birthday parties like it's my job, my kid can swim, Isle of Capri, sucking the marrow" and on and on and on. My hair should be longer. Maybe bangs would help. I want to be her. And I never want to be anyone but me. I have Kelle-envy. It's dangerous.

Hang on. Claire smells like poop again. Keeping it real.


I just got home from work and said, "who is Kelle Hampton and why do I not know her and how/why do you envy her???" The response? "Dont. Get. Me. Started." with a roll of the eyes and an (absolutely adorable) smirk that says 'Andrew, you are SO not in the blogosphere'.

So... I googled her. Turns out, yes. She is perfect and now I (Andrew) also want to be Kelle Hampton. Maybe it's just about seeing those beach pictures....mmmmm.....beeeeaaaacccchhhhhh!

1 comment:

Cassie Knieriem said...

Laura Cooke. NOW I HAVE KELLE HAMPTON ENVY. Why, oh why, would you make me google her? WHY would you do this to me?! I read her FAQ [WHO has a FAQ for their blog?!?!?] and she's all gracious and unassuming. Shut up. You are perfect, Kelle Hampton. Make us your disciples.