Some would say I'm late, but anyone who's ever had a newborn knows that I have until this time next year to post this, so I'm really just 364 days on time.
We had a fantastic Father's Day. Well, I think we did. I wasn't the one being celebrated, but we did our best to show Andrew how much we love him! Lucy was so excited about doing a "cwaft" for him, and she was meticulous about making sure it was kept a surprise and that the entire "cwaft" was executed perfectly and with love.
It wasn't fancy, but I blame that on Claire. My crafting time is limited by my breastfeeding, burping and laundry-doing time. In any case, Andrew's desk will be adorned with a third handprint this year, and that's a good feeling for any loving Daddy. And that fat little handprint is so cute! Dying.
Let's see. Daddy was showered with many gifts - new sunglasses and a Wii headset, windchimes from Lucy and the promise of a new boat as soon as we're moved in out at the lake. (I may be good, but surprising a boat-lover with a boat while I'm trying to buy a house and control three small people is a stretch for even the most heroic of wives.)
Any day set aside to celebrate Andrew is a great day for all of us. You'll never meet a more adored Daddy. In a house full of girls who owe him everything, you can imagine that Father's Day is a big deal. Andrew is by far the most doting, loving, silly, well-spoken and gentle papa I've met. He walks in the door at night ready to jump into our busy routine, and he never fails to greet each of us with a big smile and a kiss. He's endlessly patient, and that's important in a house full of women. He's kind, and his teasing is always gentle. He listens carefully and never answers until he has the facts. He's slow to judge and quick to forgive. He assumes the role of leader effortlessly, and somehow each of the girls (myself included) still feels like an individual who's so valued. He spends countless hours showering each girl with attention and love, and I know that their lives are so rich because of the careful love he shows.
Thank you, Andrew, for making me a mama three times over. I love that we're on this journey together, and I can't wait to see what our future holds as parents, friends and smoochin' buddies. I love you!
Happy Father's Day!
1 comment:
Belated Happy Father's Day, Andrew and, yes, a Belated Happy Mother's Day, Laura!
I loved your blog and the Father's Day gift from the girls. How dear! I have no trouble believing that Andrew is the ideal Father. He comes from "good stock" as they say. I don't know you, Laura, but you must be an equally good Mother. How blessed the girls are to have such wonderful parents, who provide a home so full of love, warmth and fun. I trust God will continue to bless you and your young family richly.
With prayers for the well-being of both of you and the girls.
Sister Maura
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