19 June 2011




I was impressed when my 3-year-old caught two tiny minnows on his new fishing pole last weekend. After all, it was his first time fishing -- and mine. And it just seemed amazing that a fish of any size would actually grab onto a worm at the end of a plastic line.

The experience gave me some perspective on the news this week of a 260-pound Mekong giant catfish caught by Welsh fisherman David Kent in Thailand. The angler had baited his hook with a mere piece of sweet corn. It took him just under an hour to reel it in.

NEWS: Climate Change Threatens Mekong Species

Kent, 54, caught the freshwater fish in November at Gillhams Fishing Resorts in Krabi, on the west coast of southern Thailand. But it took until last week for the fish to be declared a world record as the largest of its species caught, in the all-tackle category.

Gillhams Fishing Resorts also produced the two previous record holders for this species, said resort owner Stuart Gillham. One, caught in 2008, weighed 184 pounds. Another, snagged in 2009, weighed 191. Gillham said there are fish in his lake that exceed 300 pounds and that he has recorded growth rates among his fish of more than 50 pounds per year.

Kent's catch, which measured more than seven feet long, was set free after its official sizing-up. Luckily for me, Thailand is a long way from Minnesota. I would hate to see my preschooler snag one that big.

Photo credit: Gillhams Fishing Resorts


1 comment:

Lisa Marie said...

WOW. holy moley! I find this surprisingly appropriate for Father's Day... hehehe. Love you all!!