23 September 2011

So many things of importance.

1) I am fairly certain that I have a 20-pound squirrel living behind my house. Every day at naptime I hear what sounds like John Robie the Cat Burglar running across my roof, and then I see the tree next to me shudder under the weight of whatever has jumped into it. I feel sorry for the tree, and I'm pretty sure that my 3-year-old roof isn't going to stand the test of time with that kind of daily activity.
2) I lost the center stone from my wedding ring after I smashed the back of my hand into a shelf in the laundry room. It's still missing. I now refer to the laundry room as "The Mine."
3) Claire's need to suck is startling. If it's not a pacifier, it's my hand, her hand, her sisters, the leg of the coffee table, her crib rails...it's almost as disturbing as having Chupacabra on my roof.
4) I haven't napped today. Got up at 5:30 to go grocery shopping. Haven't slept a full night in...5.5 years. I'm tired.
5) Having company tonight. Off to make it look like I clean my house more than once a week.


1 comment:

Jennifer Merkel said...

Well, gee.
1) If it's that big it may make for some good eatin'.
2) I am so glad that you found the stone. Thank You St Anthony!
3) Claire will soon replace the need to suck with the need to eat.
4) It's a new day!
5) And I'll bet it's still clean, enjoy!