As I quietly removed the books to the dresser until tomorrow's nap, I had to laugh because the poor kid has been reading workbooks. Yeah, like pre-school letter workbooks. "Sorry kid, no writing tools here! Just imagine you're tracing those lines!" No wonder she seems so bummed out after her naps lately. Another naptime full of wasted potential...
Tomorrow is going to kill me. Gym, house cleaning, shopping, meeting, shopping, crashing dinner at Charlotte's, another meeting. Blerg.
Our neighborhood is so incredibly quiet. Did I mention they've spotted bobcats in the neighborhood lately? Freak! So much for Claire's deliciously lazy side-porch naps. All I need is to see a bobcat walk off with my cub...of course, Claire's a chunk. She'd definitely slow down any wild cat.
Oh, anyway, quiet place around here. Thank the good Lord squirrels sleep at night. I can't imagine hearing Chewbacca up there all night long. I am almost certain that when they say everything's bigger in Texas, they're really just talking about the squirrels.
Andrew is still working on a presentation for tomorrow. Apparently he's banking on the girls taking a perfect nap so he can crash an important meeting via telecom. I should note here that Molly naps perfectly when her daddy is at work. If she knows he's around when she goes down, all bets are off. Anyway, it's really not my problem, as Claire and I will be in a meeting with Father Hart while Andrew is busy with his meeting. We're working to get a new lay ministry started at our parish, and somebody has to do the legwork, so we've decided to use Claire's meaty thighs and toothless grin to get the job done! We'll meet with Father Hart tomorrow and with any luck we'll be getting the green light for our new ministry! Woop! (why auto correct changes that to "wool" is beyond me. As if anyone types "woop!" and really meant "wool!"
I have to go now. My stomach is growling, my pantry is empty, my jammies are less than ample and my picture windows are still missing 2/3 of the curtains I need to find a snack without putting on more clothes. dagnabbit. Now THAT is a word you mean to type.
I wonder if I could email Andrew and ask him to bring me a snack on his way through...
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