12 October 2011

most adorable thing ever

most adorable thing ever:

[12:48:55 PM] TX Cookes: When asked if we should throw away Lucy's (disgusting) Fancy Nancy shoes, she replied, "What!?! These shoes are the best for spinning! I can't spin in my new shoes!"

[1:25:02 PM] TX Cookes: haha, i just put mo down for a nap and she yelled, "Get out of my room!!"
I turned around and said, "Excuse me?"
She replies, "Oh yeah. EXCUSE ME, get out of my room!"

1 comment:

Lisa Marie said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! "Excuse me- get out of my room" !!! LOL!!! I laughed hysterically when I read this!! SO FUNNY that molly!! :) watch out, she might have her Aunt Lisa's attitude ;) hahaha. I feel your pain though, cause Benjamin has got a tude and throws tantrums now too... yikes!!