14 June 2012

Well hey there, migraine!

I never get headaches. Well, unless I'm tired, pregnant, surrounded by kids and it's a Thursday. Then they seem to catch me pretty easily. I'm going to need a cherry limeade to kick this.

We had our 11w appointment today - the babies are beautiful! They're also sucking every last ounce of everything I have right now, so that's thrilling and encouraging...for them...

Baby A is our outgoing and wiggly one, measuring at 12w and presenting with a heartbeat of about 161 beats per minute. S/he was all over the place and having a blast in there. At 12 weeks the baby is fully developed and all that's left is the growing! Woop! Go Baby A!

Baby B was a little more quiet and thoughtful. While we didn't see a face, we assume there's one there. :-) With a heartbeat around 170 and measuring right there with Baby A, it looks like we have two more good-looking kids on the way!

My weight hasn't changed, which is normal for me but a little discouraging for twins. As the twins take up so much space and often deliver early, the first and second trimester are really my only times to gain the weight that will help them pack on the pounds later. According to Dr. Luke (twin genius doctor) I should be gaining a pound a week right now, and that's been tough. I'm trying, but it's hard to even want to eat, so what I can force down is immediately metabolized and put to use.

My next appointment is July 3rd and Dr. M said everything looks great. My orders are to rest and take full advantage of the rest of the family until then. He also said, "Wow, you have people in there! You're like an apartment building!" I can't decide how to interpret that one.


Lisa Marie said...

You're like an apartment building! LOL! Love it.

I STILL get all giddy and shocked sometimes when I think about it. TWINS!!! eeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next sonogram- tell them we need to know genders. Auntie Lisa needs to crochet some serious cuteness.

Lisa Marie said...

You're like an apartment building! LOL! Love it.

I STILL get all giddy and shocked sometimes when I think about it. TWINS!!! eeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next sonogram- tell them we need to know genders. Auntie Lisa needs to crochet some serious cuteness.