13 May 2007

Jaundice & Jesus

Jaundice & Jesus

What a nice day we're having. Kandi is on her way over to visit and meet Lucy, and we're going to have Chinese food for dinner. I can't think of a nicer Sunday. Lucy went in to the hospital this morning for her bilirubin levels, and she got a 9- very healthy! We're so proud. She also went to Church this morning, but interrupted the praying with a terrifyingly poopy diaper and a big scream. So, we spent a little time at the car, calming ourselves down and changing diapers. All in all, it was successful experience.


Suzzy said...

i must say, when the u.s. military nearly killed me, they talked about bilirubens a lot. my liver was failing...oops. anyway, i've been dying to know who billy reuben is and why he gets liver levels named after him. your correct spelling made me realize billy probably doesnt exist. sad.

Kandi said...

It was great seeing you guys yesterday and sharing in the joy of baby Lucy. She is just so adorable!