01 May 2007

Lunar Lucy

Well, I got up around 3am for my nightly wander around the house, and I was staring at the creepy Western MD moon and trying to decide if the cramping and backache was labor, and I realized that we are very close to a full moon. Upon further investigation, I discovered that it's tomorrow! How exciting! I also researched WHY a full moon puts so many women into labor.
"The theory is that the moon's gravitational pull effects the amniotic fluid in much the same way as it effects the water in the sea, rivers and even the water that's otherwise found in our bodies.
As a woman's body prepares for natural childbirth, the amniotic sac becomes distended so the point where it will easily burst if put under pressure. Under normal circumstances, the pressure of labor contractions bursts the sac. During a full moon, the pressure caused by the moon's effect on the water inside the sac can cause the same things to happen, but without the accompanying contractions.
When this happens, natural childbirth doesn't always move forward and with no other signs of labor present, the obstetrician may decide to induce the birth. During my own study of this phenomenon I found that of 8 women whose births started with the water breaking at full moon, 5 of them had no accompanying contractions.
A coincidence? Perhaps. But surely midwives wouldn't prepare themselves for an increase in natural childbirth activity if there wasn't some truth in this?

One midwife told me that when it comes to planning childbirth, full moons should always be looked for around the time of the expected delivery. If there's one within a few days either side, the chances are your baby will be born on that day."

Insteresting...I had real contractions and back pain all night, but nothing too exciting. Lol, I figure if Andrew is able to sleep through it, it must not be real labor. Other news:
The car is in the shop. Andrew was able to start it in neutral, and we took it down to Red Ridge. Chris looked like he was going to cry when he saw me. Apparently the Saturn brings other people to tears, too. Even mechanics...so, Chris said he'd call me today with an update. My laundry is in the car, waiting to be done. I think I have enough shirts and underwear for two more days, and I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday. As it happens, we pulled the hospital bags and the carseat out of the car just in case.
I went for about a 2 mile walk yesterday- I went to the library, 7-11, the storage unit, and then I ran into Laura B and we chatted for about 45 minutes. She had Thunder with her, and he looks so handsome after his haircut! Then Jesse K found us, and the three of us chatted until Andrew arrived to pick me up for the ride up the hill. Andrew made dinner last night- popcorn chicken and fries!
I made my OJ too diluted. Bummer. I have a funny metallic taste in my mouth, and nothing is working. I have a glass of grape juice and a glass of orange juice sitting here, and still no luck.
Tonight I am making pilaf and a ham for dinner. Yu-um.
I don't have a lot to do today- maybe I'll post some more pictures. I could bake something, but the kitchen is finally clean right now. I got some books about headaches at the library yesterday, to research Andrew's headaches. I am currently considering hypoglycemia, migraines and a yeast allergy. There has to be something we're missing, and we have to get rid of these debilitating headaches. He gets one almost every afternoon, and it really puts him in a spot. Usually a combination of Tylenol, food and rest make it go away. It doesn't sound like a migraine to me. It really sounds blood sugar-related to me, as his celiac panel came back normal. Maybe it's time to order a 5 hour glucose test. His family history points to it, as far as I can tell. I will be back with my new diagnosis later.
I need cereal!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Lucy's time is almost here! We have the phone by the bed each night and we are just waiting for the call.
We will pray for a safe delivery for both you and Miss Lucy as you go through labor. And for Daddy Andrew as he also goes through it!
Enjoyed the bit on the full moon. "Lunar Lucy". That little one has sure had a lot of names in her 9 months in the womb.
Have a good day today, and God bless.
Grandma and Grandpa