09 June 2007

Sleeping With The Fishes!

Lucy and her Pops resting up for the movies!

Lucy and Daddy horsing around during their Saturday morning snuggle

Lucy watching her Daddy

Lucy on her way to fish with Daddy

Andrew fishing at Dan's Mountain

Lucy napping in the sunshine!

Lucy and her fishing hat!

Laura on the bridge

A little smooch on the bridge!


Anonymous said...

These pictures are so, so cute. Lucy, you are so expressive. And you are now looking more and more like your Daddy. You have the cutest nose
around, too.
We love seeing the pictures and appreciate this blog so much. More than you can know, in fact! Thanks to Laura and Andrew's efforts to keeping the blog going.
Grandma Susie & Grandpa Dick

Anonymous said...

Lucy & I had a great time fishing with you today!

Thanks for the kiss on the bridge!

I love you!


April said...

I LOVE Lucy's fishing hat... and look at how pretty that smile is :)

April said...

I was supposed to tell you that Tim is convinced Lu should be a child star. He says she is adorable and has the perfect temperment. Apparently those are the makings for a child super star! Oh and he says that if we need proof just look at how well she did at the movies! (She was on her own turf)

Jennifer Merkel said...

That's one cute little fisherbaby!
Love the pics! LOVE the hat!

Kandi said...

I love your pictures!! You guys look so happy and little Lucy is a doll.