31 October 2007
30 October 2007
Check In
Weight: 160 (I'm sure it's nothing, really)
Calories: 1600
Exercise: Walked around town and down the Depot hill. Made a feeble attempt at Pilates that DID work out my abs, but was otherwise stupid.
Water: Not enough...
Calories: 1600
Exercise: Walked around town and down the Depot hill. Made a feeble attempt at Pilates that DID work out my abs, but was otherwise stupid.
Water: Not enough...
My VERY Silly LuLuBug!
Last Night...
...was not bad!
Last night started rough, but ended up pretty good!
6:30pm- down for night
7pm and 7:30pm and 8pm- replaced paci
8:30- up- stopped replacing paci- back to sleep 8:38pm
9:51 - up - no paci, back to sleep 9:56
10:06- up - playing with aquarium and fussing - replaced paci at 10:19- back to sleep 10:30
12:30- up - nursed one side - back to sleep 12:35 (I figured 12:30 was close enough and fighting it might make the rest of the night miserable)
1:54 - cry, no nursing/no paci - back to sleep within 10 minutes (I think...I fell asleep, so I'm assuming she handled it!)
4:45- I woke up and she was still out so of course I stood over her for ten minutes trying to decide if she was alive.5:15 - ate on both sides - down at 5:19
6:36 - up for day.
So, once we got past her 10pm antics, she did great! I'm going to stick with CIO at night and assume that LaLeche had it wrong with this one. Yesterday wasn't a big eating day and she slept fine, so I'm going to say that a big dinner will definitely get her through to 1am. So, yay Lucy!
Last night started rough, but ended up pretty good!
6:30pm- down for night
7pm and 7:30pm and 8pm- replaced paci
8:30- up- stopped replacing paci- back to sleep 8:38pm
9:51 - up - no paci, back to sleep 9:56
10:06- up - playing with aquarium and fussing - replaced paci at 10:19- back to sleep 10:30
12:30- up - nursed one side - back to sleep 12:35 (I figured 12:30 was close enough and fighting it might make the rest of the night miserable)
1:54 - cry, no nursing/no paci - back to sleep within 10 minutes (I think...I fell asleep, so I'm assuming she handled it!)
4:45- I woke up and she was still out so of course I stood over her for ten minutes trying to decide if she was alive.5:15 - ate on both sides - down at 5:19
6:36 - up for day.
So, once we got past her 10pm antics, she did great! I'm going to stick with CIO at night and assume that LaLeche had it wrong with this one. Yesterday wasn't a big eating day and she slept fine, so I'm going to say that a big dinner will definitely get her through to 1am. So, yay Lucy!
29 October 2007
Nightly Check-In!
Weight: Still 161
Calories: 1650
Exercise: 4 miles walk and coffee-table dips! Yay!
__3____ Bottles of Water Consumed. That's bad. Off to drink water.
Otherwise, it was a good day! I feel great, I miss Andrew and I'm about to embark on my first-ever night alone with Lucy. I am nervous, yet optimistic.
Calories: 1650
Exercise: 4 miles walk and coffee-table dips! Yay!
__3____ Bottles of Water Consumed. That's bad. Off to drink water.
Otherwise, it was a good day! I feel great, I miss Andrew and I'm about to embark on my first-ever night alone with Lucy. I am nervous, yet optimistic.
Johari THIS
I did Suz's Johari window, and it was cool and now I'm doing my own! Please complete it!
Laura's Window
Laura's Results
Suz's was fun to complete, but I chose answers I bet she wouldn't have picked for herself. It's interesting how people view themselves and how others view them. I will be interested to see how mine looks. Suz's was full of "not known to self" traits, which I suspected it would be. Very cool!
Laura's Window
Laura's Results
Suz's was fun to complete, but I chose answers I bet she wouldn't have picked for herself. It's interesting how people view themselves and how others view them. I will be interested to see how mine looks. Suz's was full of "not known to self" traits, which I suspected it would be. Very cool!
Going Public
I weigh 161 pounds.
Now, it's not because I'm a big eater or because I'm lazy. I had a baby 5.5 months ago and I'm exclusively breastfeeding. For a lot of women, breastfeeding helps the weight fall off. It has helped, to a point. In some cases, however, there are women who can't lose that last 15 pounds until she weans- my body seems to be keeping the fat. I don't really mind it, but I'm tired of looking at it. I do think that Lucy likes it- nothing like a cuddly mama!
I've been exercising, but it's not really helping. I've decided to go whole hog and do it right. Andrew is, of course, my biggest supporter and has created an Excel book for me. I'm very excited about this. He made it so that when I add calories, the colors turn from green to yellow to red as I get closer to my calorie max. It's pretty neat. My calorie max is 1700 a day. I've taken all of my snacks and "handful foods" and put them in sandwich bags according to serving size. I wrote the calories on the bags with permanent marker so that I can see the right serving size and start to remember what's in each snack.
I'm trying to walk about 4 miles a day, and Suz is going to walk with me. I'm also going to send her my calorie counter- it's really cool.
Now, 5.5 months is not bad. I've lost 40 pounds since having Lucy. But I can't get over this 160 hump, and it's killing me. Losing the weight slowly is important for my milk supply, though, so I'm trying not to overdo it or use any fast fixes. I'm also trying to lose slowly so that I avoid stretch marks and ugly skin. So far, my stomach still looks great. Not a single stretch mark, and my skin is going back to normal nicely. For a postpartum stomach, it looks great. But it's still bigger than I'd like. Yuck.
My goals are as follows:
Tighter Tummy
Tinier Tooshie
Weigh about 135 pounds
Fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes well
Be happy
Feel good
Each day I'm going to post my progress here. It'll help keep me honest. If I have to put it out there for the entire world, I think I might try harder. I'll put this at the end of my post:
______ Bottles of Water
Weight loss has always been really easy for me, but I've never had a baby. It makes it much easier to look myself in the mirror and appreciate what my body has done for our family. If I didn't gain the weight and let my body do its job, we wouldn't have a healthy, happy little girl in our lives. Andrew tells me every day that I'm gorgeous, but I need to feel it for myself.
I'm also going to reward myself for the smaller things. I'm going to buy some new clothing item for every 5 pounds I lose, I'm going to allow myself 2 Lorenzo's cookies a week, I'm going to take long, hot Lucy-free showers after I work out and I'm going to treat myself to falling asleep to my books. I need to recognize and indulge in food-free guilty pleasures. Andrew has promised me that when I get to my goal weight, he will present me with any size diamond earrings I'd like. Now there's a reason to work for it!
In other news, Lucy and I are taking a nursing vacation for the next 48 hours. We have created a camp in the den and will be doing nothing but reading books and watching TV while she nurses. I do need to go out to buy sandwich bags and check the mail, but other than that, we're in bed for two days. I really need to boost my milk supply and get her on track and nursing better during the day. So, we'll see if this helps. She will be napping and doing her night sleeping in her own bed, because she hates sleeping with me. I think her daddy wishes she'd snuggle in bed with us sometimes, but I guess it'll be easier to keep her in her own bed later on!
Now, it's not because I'm a big eater or because I'm lazy. I had a baby 5.5 months ago and I'm exclusively breastfeeding. For a lot of women, breastfeeding helps the weight fall off. It has helped, to a point. In some cases, however, there are women who can't lose that last 15 pounds until she weans- my body seems to be keeping the fat. I don't really mind it, but I'm tired of looking at it. I do think that Lucy likes it- nothing like a cuddly mama!
I've been exercising, but it's not really helping. I've decided to go whole hog and do it right. Andrew is, of course, my biggest supporter and has created an Excel book for me. I'm very excited about this. He made it so that when I add calories, the colors turn from green to yellow to red as I get closer to my calorie max. It's pretty neat. My calorie max is 1700 a day. I've taken all of my snacks and "handful foods" and put them in sandwich bags according to serving size. I wrote the calories on the bags with permanent marker so that I can see the right serving size and start to remember what's in each snack.
I'm trying to walk about 4 miles a day, and Suz is going to walk with me. I'm also going to send her my calorie counter- it's really cool.
Now, 5.5 months is not bad. I've lost 40 pounds since having Lucy. But I can't get over this 160 hump, and it's killing me. Losing the weight slowly is important for my milk supply, though, so I'm trying not to overdo it or use any fast fixes. I'm also trying to lose slowly so that I avoid stretch marks and ugly skin. So far, my stomach still looks great. Not a single stretch mark, and my skin is going back to normal nicely. For a postpartum stomach, it looks great. But it's still bigger than I'd like. Yuck.
My goals are as follows:
Tighter Tummy
Tinier Tooshie
Weigh about 135 pounds
Fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes well
Be happy
Feel good
Each day I'm going to post my progress here. It'll help keep me honest. If I have to put it out there for the entire world, I think I might try harder. I'll put this at the end of my post:
______ Bottles of Water
Weight loss has always been really easy for me, but I've never had a baby. It makes it much easier to look myself in the mirror and appreciate what my body has done for our family. If I didn't gain the weight and let my body do its job, we wouldn't have a healthy, happy little girl in our lives. Andrew tells me every day that I'm gorgeous, but I need to feel it for myself.
I'm also going to reward myself for the smaller things. I'm going to buy some new clothing item for every 5 pounds I lose, I'm going to allow myself 2 Lorenzo's cookies a week, I'm going to take long, hot Lucy-free showers after I work out and I'm going to treat myself to falling asleep to my books. I need to recognize and indulge in food-free guilty pleasures. Andrew has promised me that when I get to my goal weight, he will present me with any size diamond earrings I'd like. Now there's a reason to work for it!
In other news, Lucy and I are taking a nursing vacation for the next 48 hours. We have created a camp in the den and will be doing nothing but reading books and watching TV while she nurses. I do need to go out to buy sandwich bags and check the mail, but other than that, we're in bed for two days. I really need to boost my milk supply and get her on track and nursing better during the day. So, we'll see if this helps. She will be napping and doing her night sleeping in her own bed, because she hates sleeping with me. I think her daddy wishes she'd snuggle in bed with us sometimes, but I guess it'll be easier to keep her in her own bed later on!
28 October 2007
Lucy's 1st FSU Halloween!!
Today was very fun! After Lisa, Michael and Josiah left, we put Lucy in costume numero dos and went to FSU for their Halloween party. We really wanted her to go because we've spent every year for many years helping to run the party. Last year I was pregnant at Halloween, and we took a $1,000 check from the school and bought ALL of the candy for the party. It was a lot of fun, but Lucy didn't get to dress up! This year she was in rare form, and I think she was the youngest participant!
We even did the irresponsible thing and painted her face...shame, shame...
I think her favorite part of the day was taking pictures in the field behind the Osborne Newman Center....go figure! She did, however, snag a few lollipops for the coming year. Lucky girl!
Such a good sport! She came home and took a nice long 2.5 hour nap! We got a chance to sleep, too and boy was it welcomed! Now we're all waking up and wondering what to do with the fact that her normal bedtime is 1.5 hours from now...guess she'll be watching "Extreme Makeover" with Mommy tonight! I can't believe our sweet girl was so itty bitty last year! We didn't even know she was a "Lucy!" They really do grow way too fast, don't they??
Lucy's First Halloween!!
Well, Lucy's cousin Josiah came up for the weekend and brought Uncle Michael and Aunt Lisa! We decided to take the kids to downtown Cumberland to see the kids in costumes and have some fun.
Josiah dressed up as "King Josiah"
Lucy was a fairy princess!
Lucy and Josiah all ready to celebrate!
Andrew and I being gorgeous!
Lucy was the belle of the ball! It was a little cold, so she had to wear her kittycat hat for the day!
We took her around to the shops in Cumberland so that we could show off her costume- she was a hit!
She was such a happy girl
Here is Lucy and Daddy trick-or-treating! (And we swore we wouldn't take her, but it was so cute!)
I included this one because it was so funny. Lucy likes to lick just about everything! She's really into solid foods now, and will lick anything that looks semi-appetizing!
Lucy and Mommy waiting to catch the HAUNTED TROLLEY....ooooooh....scary....
Andrew, Me and Lucy having a very nice day!
Lucy licking the Haunted Trolley.

Uncle Michael, Josiah and Aunt Lisa on the Haunted Trolley!

This picture was kind of dark, but it was so cute!
Uncle Michael, Josiah and Aunt Lisa on the Haunted Trolley!
This picture was kind of dark, but it was so cute!
Everyone on the trolley was laughing because I held out the camera and said, "Lucy, smile!" and she posed right away. She just LOVES posing for the camera. We have no idea how she knows what the camera does, but she's been posing for the camera since she was about 12 weeks old. We have very few candid pictures because she always catches us and smiles right away!
Lucy's view from the Haunted Trolley!
Lucy's first taste of Halloween Candy! We let her try a pink lemonade lollipop and she was very excited. It's not often that the things she licks tastes good!

"Give me more! Quick!"

Josiah & Lucy holding hands! Best Cousins Forever!

Josiah the king says "Peek-a-boo!"

Lucy borrows the crown! Queen for the next few minutes!

Laura & Lucy on the see-saw at the Frostburg Park trying to stay WARM!
"Give me more! Quick!"
Josiah & Lucy holding hands! Best Cousins Forever!
Josiah the king says "Peek-a-boo!"
Lucy borrows the crown! Queen for the next few minutes!
Laura & Lucy on the see-saw at the Frostburg Park trying to stay WARM!
Andrew & Josiah on the other side of the see-saw! Josiah never looks at the camera!!!

Aunt Lisa & Lucy in the swing at the Frostburg Park!

Andrew & Lucy carving Lucy's first Jack-o-Latern!

Josiah & Lucy architectin' the perfect Jack-o-Latern!

Handsome farmer Josiah inspecting his & Lucy's hard work!

Lucy inspecting the other side of the pumpkin!
Aunt Lisa & Lucy in the swing at the Frostburg Park!
Andrew & Lucy carving Lucy's first Jack-o-Latern!
Josiah & Lucy architectin' the perfect Jack-o-Latern!
Handsome farmer Josiah inspecting his & Lucy's hard work!
Lucy inspecting the other side of the pumpkin!
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