10 October 2007

A quick little post.

Well, Lucy is awake and watching the Wiggles, so I don't have much time, but I just wanted to do a quick catch-up.

The festival was great. We sold a lot, and we're almost ready to launch the Ebay store! Maybe by tomorrow?
On Monday we had a scary trip to the ER. Lucy had been sick all morning, and she woke up from her nap screaming. Something was very wrong, so I threw her in the car and we rushed to the ER. They did blood tests and an ultrasound of her belly. They think it could be a) pyloric stenosis, b) a food allergy or c) the stomach flu. We decided stomach flu, so we went home and she had a little oatmeal and passed out after entertaining the ER staff for 4 hours. I took her off the rice cereal and she's been on oatmeal and pears for a few days and loves them. I highly doubt it was a food allergy. We'll try the applesauce again in a few weeks. I think it was just a little tummy bug.
Yesterday we had a great day. We went the mall and took a long walk, I got contacts, we bought a replacement Dwight just in case something happens to Dirty Dwight and we visited with the retirees at the farmer's market. She took a nice long nap in the afternoon and then we took a couple of dinners over to Ellie's house to meet little Ellie Jane. She is SO cute!
Lucy slept like an angel last night! She went down at 7:30 and woke up at 10 trying to nurse. We let her fuss back to sleep, and she got up to eat around 12:30. She ate once more around 4, and slept til 6:30. A model night! I'd like to get her down to one feeding a night, but that'll come in time.
Well, today we have Babies and Books, and I need to vacuum. I'm going to work on the Ebay store and will hopefully have some good news on it by the time I post again! LB is coming over for dinner, so I'm going to make the house all sparkly. I'd also like to start thinking about making a schedule for Lucy and I- maybe I'll visit FlyLady.com again and try to figure out how to organize myself and get this ship sailing a little smoother!

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