Well, Lucy's cousin Josiah came up for the weekend and brought Uncle Michael and Aunt Lisa! We decided to take the kids to downtown Cumberland to see the kids in costumes and have some fun.
Josiah dressed up as "King Josiah"
Lucy was a fairy princess!
Lucy and Josiah all ready to celebrate!
Andrew and I being gorgeous!
Lucy was the belle of the ball! It was a little cold, so she had to wear her kittycat hat for the day!
We took her around to the shops in Cumberland so that we could show off her costume- she was a hit!
She was such a happy girl
Here is Lucy and Daddy trick-or-treating! (And we swore we wouldn't take her, but it was so cute!)
I included this one because it was so funny. Lucy likes to lick just about everything! She's really into solid foods now, and will lick anything that looks semi-appetizing!
Lucy and Mommy waiting to catch the HAUNTED TROLLEY....ooooooh....scary....
Andrew, Me and Lucy having a very nice day!
Lucy licking the Haunted Trolley.

Uncle Michael, Josiah and Aunt Lisa on the Haunted Trolley!

This picture was kind of dark, but it was so cute!
Uncle Michael, Josiah and Aunt Lisa on the Haunted Trolley!
This picture was kind of dark, but it was so cute!
Everyone on the trolley was laughing because I held out the camera and said, "Lucy, smile!" and she posed right away. She just LOVES posing for the camera. We have no idea how she knows what the camera does, but she's been posing for the camera since she was about 12 weeks old. We have very few candid pictures because she always catches us and smiles right away!
Lucy's view from the Haunted Trolley!
Lucy's first taste of Halloween Candy! We let her try a pink lemonade lollipop and she was very excited. It's not often that the things she licks tastes good!

"Give me more! Quick!"

Josiah & Lucy holding hands! Best Cousins Forever!

Josiah the king says "Peek-a-boo!"

Lucy borrows the crown! Queen for the next few minutes!

Laura & Lucy on the see-saw at the Frostburg Park trying to stay WARM!
"Give me more! Quick!"
Josiah & Lucy holding hands! Best Cousins Forever!
Josiah the king says "Peek-a-boo!"
Lucy borrows the crown! Queen for the next few minutes!
Laura & Lucy on the see-saw at the Frostburg Park trying to stay WARM!
Andrew & Josiah on the other side of the see-saw! Josiah never looks at the camera!!!

Aunt Lisa & Lucy in the swing at the Frostburg Park!

Andrew & Lucy carving Lucy's first Jack-o-Latern!

Josiah & Lucy architectin' the perfect Jack-o-Latern!

Handsome farmer Josiah inspecting his & Lucy's hard work!

Lucy inspecting the other side of the pumpkin!
Aunt Lisa & Lucy in the swing at the Frostburg Park!
Andrew & Lucy carving Lucy's first Jack-o-Latern!
Josiah & Lucy architectin' the perfect Jack-o-Latern!
Handsome farmer Josiah inspecting his & Lucy's hard work!
Lucy inspecting the other side of the pumpkin!
This grouping of pictures is so much fun! You guys had a great time, and isn't it fun doing things with Lucy for her very first time?? Love the pic. of Lucy with her cousin - especially when they were supervising the pumpkin carving. Hope they have a wonderful time growing up together! He is so handsome - like his Dad.
Love you,
Grandma and Grandpa
you pierced her ears! i'm so glad you buckled under the pressure and all thsoe idiotic comments like "oh, hi little guy! he's so cute!" (stupid people, she's in a pink dress!)
she's adorable, and now her ears are extra adorable!
love you!
She's gorgeous! Loving her little baby pierced ears!!!
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