Today was very fun! After Lisa, Michael and Josiah left, we put Lucy in costume numero dos and went to FSU for their Halloween party. We really wanted her to go because we've spent every year for many years helping to run the party. Last year I was pregnant at Halloween, and we took a $1,000 check from the school and bought ALL of the candy for the party. It was a lot of fun, but Lucy didn't get to dress up! This year she was in rare form, and I think she was the youngest participant!
We even did the irresponsible thing and painted her face...shame, shame...
I think her favorite part of the day was taking pictures in the field behind the Osborne Newman Center....go figure! She did, however, snag a few lollipops for the coming year. Lucky girl!
Such a good sport! She came home and took a nice long 2.5 hour nap! We got a chance to sleep, too and boy was it welcomed! Now we're all waking up and wondering what to do with the fact that her normal bedtime is 1.5 hours from now...guess she'll be watching "Extreme Makeover" with Mommy tonight! I can't believe our sweet girl was so itty bitty last year! We didn't even know she was a "Lucy!" They really do grow way too fast, don't they??
Cutest Pumpkin EVER! That little green nose is just precious!!
Oh my gosh Lucy!
You are TOOOOO CUTE!!!
I have never seen a more adorable pumpkin in all my life!
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