15 February 2009

Sunday Afternoon/Evening

Started having bad back pain around 2, am walking and using heat to try to calm it down. Andrew is, of course, back in Frostburg now. Lucy is going to head to the aquarium for the evening, so I'll be hanging out here with my heating pad and the hot tub, waiting to see if things settle down!


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,

That was one of my major symptoms of labor...but, I didn't know it since I was on my hands and knees that day scrubbing the kitchen floor...good sign!!!

Monday the 16th would be perfect to have a baby!!!! She could share it with her Grandpa Jim and Papa Martin who share the same birthday.

Remember your dad likes the name Jimerella? I think Vallen would be a beautiful little girls middle name after her Grandpa Jim too :) So close to Valentine's Day. It is such a unique and beautiful sounding name. I don't know of anyone else with that middle name.

I still like the name Molly too.

Sending you labor vibes.....PLEASE call as soon as you know. We can't wait to hear.


Anonymous said...

Love you and God bless.
Grandma and Grandpa H.

Amber said...

Good luck with everything Laura! Just wanted you to know we're praying for you and Baby C for a wonderful birth experience and a successful VBAC. :0)