- the last bite of a sundae cone
- going to bed too late and getting the giggles with Andrew (okay, maybe not better than that.)
- Frozen grapes
- Selling your house in 36 hours
- A new ringtone that makes you smile
- Drinking too much with your friends and still laughing the next morning
- Puppy breath
- Sleeping babies
- Molly's smile
- Impromptu roses
- House hunting
- chocolate cake and a spoon
- mimosas
- fun mail like a CD of pictures from Grandma Susie
- Grandma Susie's "helllooooo!"
- Making people guess who's pregnant when you hear it from someone else
- a positive pregnancy test
- Singing in Church on Easter
- Holding pinkies with the one you love
- Smiling over the tops of sleepy heads
- A pint of ice cream and a big blanket
- wet grass sticking to your bare feet
- 10% raises
- Grilled chicken and veggies
- An almost-ripe banana
Okay, so maybe it's not as good as all those things, but I'm RUNNING to re-read my copy to get ready for what is bound to be the best movie of the summer!
I started tearing up at the end! I'm going to try to get to the library tomorrow!
EEEEEK! I'm SO excited! I hadn't heard they were making it into a movie but it is by FAR my favorite book of all time. I read it a second time while pregnant and on bed rest--bad idea with all those hormones and crazy sad ending, lol.
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