10 June 2010

So I have this problem. I have been living on my own for some time, spice-rackless. It's a tragedy but I've made it work. Until now.
I couldn't handle it anymore. I one-clicked my way to a magnetic spice rack yesterday and will soon be organized in all areas of my life, spices included.

Of course, if you're having the same sort of problem and aren't a one-clicker like myself, you can work it out like Lucy does.

She dances. It's effective and cheap.

Or you could use Molly's approach. She uses the timeless Belly Buzzer technique to quiet her mind.


Spice Rack said...

Hi Andrew you made a good job buying a new spice rack make your kitchen looks organize and save some space in your kitchen.And nice choice having a magnetic spice rack. Awesome.

Lisa Marie said...

omgosh, Lucy dancing in her undies! does it get any cuter!? hahahaha. adorable! Can't WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL!!! glad you finally got a spice rack, you deserve it ;)