03 November 2010

My, my, my Molly.

Staying up late to talk about the child who will seriously make me pay for this in the morning? Bad idea.
Oh Molly...she's like no kid I've ever met. She's absolutely marching to the beat of her own drum, 24 hours a day. She occasionally humors us with a little cooperation, but really has little use for us.
Molly is now 20 months old, and is about as big as a 12 month old. Who knows why...just a little thing.
Let's see...her favorite foods right now are grapes, dry cereal and fruit snacks. That's about all she'll eat, so we roll with it. She's learning to use her utensils better and loves to chatter about her "stuff" at dinner. Once she's finished, she climbs on top of the table, spins around and hops off the other side. We've tried to stop it and failed miserably. Now we just roll with it.
Molly has a deep little voice and yells everything. She also repeats whatever she's saying at least 9 times. She's not a big talker. She sort of mutters like an old lady instead. Mostly under her breath, unless she's yelling. It's about 50/50 these days. Her newest words/phrases are:
Knock knock....hahahahaha!! Yeah, "knock knock" is always followed with exaggerated laughter - a comedienne, she is not.
Very long sentence about babies, mostly unintelligible.
Milkjuice - short for "I'm thirsty and I'll take anything."
Bad baby
WHOA! - it's cute everytime.

Let's see...she's learning to run, which is mostly a complete disaster. She's tripping several times a day and looks like the result of a Larry/Curly/Moe accident. She recently had her first haircut and she just looks more like an imp. I was going for sophisticated and almost-two, but Mo's face will probably always look like a garden gnome to me. Up to no good!
She's still our champion sleeper, always thrilled to go to bed at 7 on the dot, yelling for me exactly 13 hours later, 365 days a year. She never makes a noise, just perfectly content in her solitude, gearing up for another day of destruction.
Molly absolutely always wear one item of clothing on her right foot. Be it a sock, a sleeper, a mitten, a shoe, a bracelet, a puppet or a motorcycle glove, Molly's right foot is always well-cared-for.
Even in the light of Molly's very shocking nature, she's always very obedient and never really challenges us. When Molly gets into something, she's stealthy and completely silent. If she IS caught, she's always willing to stop, repair the damage and come in for a cuddle. If she's in trouble, it's your own fault for assuming she can stay out of trouble for 2.5 minutes. (She can't.) I would say she gets caught about 4 times out of 10. I usually just find evidence of something amiss much later.
Molly loves to read and shows her literary passion by yelling, "BOOK!" and hurling it at your head. Luckily, I'm a great book catcher after a couple of near misses. Molly will sit in a lap for hours, searching pictures and laughing at stories. Her imagination is already quite a force!
Every single day with Molly is different, chaotic, surprising, damaging, physically painful and incredibly good for the soul. She's just about the most interesting 2 foot tall person I've ever seen. Wouldn't trade my naughty little gnome for any girl in the world!

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