28 November 2010

Superhand, Daddy takes FOREVER, discipline

Lucy was calling the fly swatter her "Super Hand" all day today because it could do (and I quote) "Super Magical Powers". She was running around for almost 5 hrs straight in a hot, sweaty mess going on and on about her "Super Hand". What, you ask, can a fly swatter do that one would consider "super" and "magical"? Well, for one, it can open the otherwise unreachable kitchen cabinets. Yes P&B blog readers. This is truly super and magical  It was the cutest thing ever.

One of the many many things that Laura can legitimately complain about (regarding her lazy husband, me) is that I take FOREVER to hang things on the walls when we occupy a new home. For whatever reason, this activity drives me crazy and I procrastinate like a professional when it comes to hanging pictures and other 'frew' on the walls. Tonight, Lucy and I colored My Little Pony (who KNEW they were still making MLP merch? Geez!) pictures for at least an hour.  I gave her the idea that with a little tape she could hang these pictures on the wall. She was EXCITED (or as she says "psych-ed"). However, as I was mid-coloring one picture and she was mid-hanging another, she hit these little FAMILIAR notes, "Daddy takes FOREVER to hang things on my walls"... "I wish he would just hang up my pictures..." [while adjusting her tape/picture] "You have to get it straight. Daddy never gets it straight. Only Lucy can get it straight juuuuust peeeerfect like tttthat" [steps back and tilts her head to admire her work].

She is so freaking precious it kills me. Which leads me to discipline... Dang that's hard. Parenting stinks! I didn't respond to her [for a while] as she was calling from a separate room (lesson: don't shout from room-to-room) but when she came into the living room with a blotchy red face, hair all in a tangle and big old alligator tears pouring down her cheeks as a result of my nonresponsiveness I melted like a big pile of daddy-goo. Worse, I found myself apologizing to her. HOLY COW! I thought WHO is teaching a lesson to WHO here!?!?!?!? I still think it'll be much easier to say 'no' and teach 'lessons' to teenagers! I think I can handle passive-aggressive. Let's hope that's the route they take and stop using the alligator-tear methodology!

Love, dad


1 comment:

Lisa Marie said...

Aww that's so cute. yeah those alligator tears are tough stuff! Stick to it! consistency works wonders. Josiah will constantly interrupt (hmmm where does he get that from!? haha) what little time Michael and I have to speak to eachother, so Michael will completely ignore him until he quietly says, "excuse me Daddy". Of course, we have to remind him several hundred times, but sometimes he does it himself and it's a good feeling when you see your child (out of habit) being respectful and loving. Your girls are definitely learning that from you! keep up the good work Daddy! ;)