07 January 2009

Anna Lu Reruns!

We've actually found something funnier than spraying a cat in the face!

Lucy saying grace - always charming.

Did she say a bad word? We'll never know. This happened one time and one time only, but it's good for a laugh every time you hit play! I still have my doubts that at the age of 10 months she'd have picked up that word AND used it correctly...

This one just kills me. She was a stinking cute baby and is turning out to be an equally stinking cute toddler.

Nothing cuter than a baby playing with toilet paper!

Lots of rhythm!

This video absolutely makes me laugh out loud every single time I watch it.

Ah, nothing sweeter than a lack of motor skills...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVED looking at all the videos again! It's going to be a real treat to watch Lucy and Phoebe someday.
Grandma Susie