I was casually dining on a fine italian ice this morning. Lucy joined me in the living room with her own spoon. After several spoonfuls the sugar must have gotten to her brain. She approached me for yet another spoonful with the spoon backwards in her hand (holding the head of the spoon, stem exposed).

I said "turn it around". She handed me the spoon, spun her cute little body in a full 360-degree circle, stopped to look at me, grabbed the spoon and smiled. As I laughed hysterically, she dipped it into the italian ice cup.
(((In her defense, usually when she hears me say "turn around" she's at the top of the steps & I'm instructing HER to "turn around")))
For about 10 subsequent spoonfuls, she would run across the living room with her spoon towards me. Spin in a circle as she reached me, smile large & proud then proceed to insert her spoon into the italian ice cup.
Cute. Smart. Can't wait for her to "teach" Phoebe all this fun stuff!!!
Love, dad.
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