04 January 2009

I might die tonight.

I am incredibly ill. Lucy has been sick and her "Welcome to Baltimore" gift for me was an intense head cold and possible flu. I have pictures from the weekend but am too tired to post them all, so here are two to tide you over.

Mom and Tim gave Lucy a baby nursery for Christmas and the girl is just nutso for this thing! She has spent the last 24 hours "lotioning" her baby. She's so into lotioning her babies that as she was falling asleep last night, she sat straight up and said, "Mom!" I replied, "What Luce?" She fell back into bed rubbing her hands together, whispering, "Yotion...yotion..." and passed out cold. The girl's obsessed.

This is Lucy playing at home tonight after a very long week away. Uncle Tom gave her a keyboard and BOY is she amazed by this thing! I love the headset - she spent most of the evening learning how to plug it in to the keyboard. It's noisy, but noise matters not in matters of distracting a toddler.

We received all sorts of mail and stuff that I'll have to spend this week catching up on. All sorts of thank-you's and replies to do in the very near future. As for right now, I'm going to bed early. I really can't be this sick for much longer; I'm just wiped out... :-(

1 comment:

Muffin Cake said...

My daughter...who's almost the same age as yours...is also obsessed with Lotion. Who knew?!?!