05 January 2009

Usually the Monday after a trip home is incredibly rough for all of us. I got up at 4:30, so today should be a long one, I think. Oh well, aren't Mondays supposed to be long? We have to run to Walmart for fruit and dog food, and then we'll come back here to play the day away. I guess I'll just cater to Lucy's every whim as she gets settled back into her home. She did GREAT last night and went straight to bed without a peep. She slept til 5:30 and then slept with us til 7:30. What an angel!
Can you believe I'm 33 weeks pregnant??? Jeez. I'm at that point where I feel huge but still have lots of energy. I liked this point with Lucy. Of course, nothing I have fits. Well, I have one orange t-shirt. That's it. I think I'm going to buy a few more in a few colors when we go out. Once you get to this point, even the biggest maternity shirts are too short...
I had a good appointment on Friday and we've started moving a few things down to Andrew's parents' house. Now that New Year's is over, we're on Phoebe watch, just waiting to get things all ready to go! Andrew and I decided that he's going to work as long as possible and will come down when labor starts. Since we want to use as much of his PTO as possible AFTER the baby arrives, and I'll have plenty of help without him, we thought it would be best to just work as long as he can. He'll come down on his long weekends off, but I'm going to miss him like crazy!
Well, it's time to bathe the beast and get out the door. She's been carrying her "doo-doo" around all morning, so we're in for a princess day full of tu-tus and pink. Yay! Looks like I'll get that chance to do my nails after all!

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