07 November 2010

Filthy, dirty, messy fun.

So yesterday, we made another "venture." Our weekends are really turning out to be exhausting lately!
Andrew decided that he was going to run in the DFW Mud Run, and had not been practicing at all for it. The web site said you should be in good shape or have a good attitude, so he picked the latter. Atta boy...

 Molly was also in this picture, but it was less than flattering.

Lucy, Daddy and Mo before the Big Race! 

 Team Cooke huddles up before the gun.

 So cute.

The first river crossing. Yeah...that's right. Cold. Wet. November. Cargo Pants. Blech. Andrew's in there. Let me point him out. Count the first ten people. Then pretend they're not there. Then check out the first row of three people. His tiny little head is on the right. It's much, much, much bigger in person. 

 Climbing out of the river - now it REALLY feels like November!

Lucy and Poppers were thrilled by the copious amount of mud, dirt and rocks.

Over the giant wall - look at those muscular arms! No wonder we keep reproducing.

 Swings right over it like he's heading to lunch after a meeting. No biggie.

 Wave 7 crossing the river.

 I bet he was feeling really manly down there. I couldn't stop thinking about how nice it is that we have hot water and a garden tub.

 About 5 miles later, Andrew reappeared. Lucy was SO excited! She was yelling, "You have to jump in the mud water!"

 Andrew makes the Sign of the Cross before jumping into 6 ft of snake-infested "mud water." Maybe no snakes...but I can't promise anything.

 This is Andrew's entry into the water- not even a splash!

 This makes me so glad I'm growing a person and unable to race in mud.

 Slippery, slippery!

 Still smiling! Ever the optimist, Andrew appears to have forgotten the giant hill before the finish line.

 And the giant ladder. 

 With two pulled calf muscles and one blown quad. All arms Andrew, all arms...Yuck.

Right over the top! 

 The finish line! 6.2 miles of mud, grass, water, blisters, sweat, tears, pulled muscles and pure joy.

 Unconditional love from Poppers - a kiss for the victor.

 This was definitely the girls' favorite part! Daddy got to shower outside, AND he got to see a firetruck. Talk about a reason for running. 

All in all, Andrew had a blast, finished in great time and is all ready to sign up for next year. Proof that a good attitude is all you need. Thank goodness I can blame my nursing baby for next year's failure to register...and the year after that, I'll be pregnant again. At this rate, I'll be in the clear until...2033. 

We're so proud of you Andrew!!! Congratulations on a race very well run!


Janet said...

That looks like something Scott would do. I showed him the pictures and yup, he agreed. I wonder if they have a Richmond or DC version. Off to Google!

Lisa Marie said...

Hehehehehe, that is so awesome! Way to go Andrew! I loved all the pictures. Looks like so much fun! Lucy is going to be talking to Daddy about "the time he got all muddy in the run" for at least 2 months. haha. love it!!