27 November 2010


We have to be at church in 4 hours for Grandma's funeral. I just woke up for a dream about it. She was there and kept saying she wanted a snack, and no one knew if we were supposed to feed her. Everyone thought it was a no, but she was hungry!

Molly is sleeping in the pack and play across the room... I had no idea she was such a noisy sleeper. She moans, yells, rolls, kicks, cries...man. She must get it from me.

The trip to Seattle yesterday was perfect. Of the 4 hours on the plane, she slept for exactly half. She then woke up and quietly munched on pretzels and played with stickers until we reached the airport. Perfect. Such a good little travel companion!
Today is going to be long and tiring. I'll post later if I can muster it...right now I just need some FOOD.

1 comment:

Lisa Marie said...

oh yeah well we all know you gave her benadryl! ;) ... j/k. glad the flight was good. sounds like Mo got her sleeping activities from her godmother. i'm such a mess when I sleep- toss and turn!