30 January 2009

One good hour left...

I am 100% exhausted. I can't find a muscle in my body that isn't pounding. Lucy woke up from her nap at 5 and was just working my every last nerve. I've been doing great, really enjoying her, had tons of energy, all week long. She has been an absolute doll since we left Frostburg last week. But she and I were really butting heads tonight and it was all I could do to keep my patience. It's only 8, but I'm planning on getting to bed VERY soon. I can't believe how heavy my head is! This weekend I'm hitting 37 weeks and boy, am I feeling it! I can't wait to be holding this baby in my arms and not in my belly. I'm still feeling fine, but she's getting very big. Lucy didn't feel like this. It feels like little Ethel just has no room at all. Lucy was still pretty comfortable and content right up to her delivery. This new baby wants to stretch every direction possible and I'm just so sore!
So, I'm going to hit the sack in mere minutes, after I talk to Prince Charming and brush my tired teeth. I hope tomorrow takes a long time to get here.


Anonymous said...

That's what it feels like when you're carrying a 10 pounder, but you feel that way at week 30.

Unknown said...

Amazing how tiny a baby is once you hold her and how big a pregnant belly can look and feel, huh? You're in my thoughts and prayers, hoping that Ethel comes out to play soon! :)