16 January 2009


She went down in her crib. It was a struggle, but she did it. I hope the coming week is better. It took her about 25 minutes to give up and hit the sack. I just hope I have more hope as the days progress.
We're not sure about naming our baby Phoebe anymore. Phoebe is a great name, but it's not as feminine and sweet as I'd like and it doesn't flow very well with Lucy. Anna Lucille is a great name, but when you're naming sibling sets of little girls, you have to be very fair and very careful. I don't want her to grow up at the 2nd daughter with a freaky name.
At this point, if you hated Phoebe, please don't tell us either way. All that will do is leave me wondering how many people hate the next name we choose. At this point I'd rather just get to thinking and go on from there. We'll keep you updated!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your quest to find a name. I'm surprised you're having second thoughts. Either way, I'm sure the name will be perfect!
PS. Thanks for the buffalo chicken dip recipe. I can't wait to try it out this weekend. :)

Tricia said...

I love Phoebe...but if you are thinking of other names. What about Elizabeth and call her Libby? or Margaret and call her Maggie. or Molly?? I love little girl names..too bad I never got to use one. :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,

It is hard to name a child. I mean what we pick begins to define a child.

I know I went with M.Matthews and M. Matthews but it works. Believe me we went through alot of names to come up with Meghan and Madison (aka Maddie, Maddy, or Mat Mat).

I think it is even harder perhaps than naming a pet.

Whatever you choose I am sure it will be beautiful!

Let me know though. I am starting on something and need a name.

Love Ya,
Tammy :)

Emily said...

At least you guys can agree on names. Josh and I can only agree when we're both completely kidding and being ridiculous. It's kind of sad. I personally thought Phoebe was cute, but I understand your point perfectly. If Phoebe isn't it, you'll discover the perfect name one way or another. My only advice would be not to bother with other people's opinions. Lots of people hate lots of names and it will just discourage you. Who needs that? :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! Though we haven't commented on all the blogs, they are being read each night before going to bed. Love them! It is such a wonderful way to find out about each and every day in your lives. We know your lives are very full, especially right now as you wait for Baby Sister, and you are very blessed.
God bless you, and thanks for all the wonderful journaling.
Grandma Susie and Grandpa Dick

Anonymous said...

Oh Laura, I know what you mean about the names. Everybody has something to say about everyone of ours. I know you guys will pick out the perfect name for your new little one. Hope everything else is going well!